Introducing Norwegian Rockers OUTLASTED

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
News Feed
One of the new breed of Scandinavian rock bands, Outlasted picks up the mantle of classic rock and wears it with distinction. A five-piece band based in Norway, Outlasted’s harmonic and melodic lineup comprises Glenn Wikran on vocals, Terje Fløyli playing all manner of guitars, and Odd-Børge Hansen at the piano and keyboards. On the rhythmic side of its tracks are Aleksander Schjølberg holding down the bass, and drummer Rune Erling Pedersen who provides the percussive pyrotechnics of this exciting new ensemble that features great hooks, catchy choruses, and full background harmonies provided by all band members.
With a dedication to musical excellence, Outlasted fuses the sound of the golden age of recording with the compelling songwriting of classic rock and brings both into the future with modern production techniques and stellar musicianship.
Having played their first official gig as Outlasted on November 29th, 2014, newfound fans can look forward to a full album release at the end of 2015 featuring artwork by Italy’s premier graphic designer, Nello Dell’Omo of Art for Music Studio in Naples. Plus, new songs for a follow-up album are already in the works. In the meantime, to satisfy your urge for more inspired music, Outlasted has released its first video: “Someone Like You”—mixed to sound the way rock should by Ronny Wikmark (Stage Dolls) at Nidaros Studio in Trondheim, Norway. The song feature a solid, punchy rhythm section, soaring vocals, and beautifully textured arrangements—in short, melodic rock at its finest.