Fireworks #72* sees the mighty Def Leppard grace our cover, as they return with a brand new album... that might be their best thing since 'Hysteria'. A bold claim, but one that Phil Collen is only too happy to back up. And to prove there is two sides to every story, we also get the thoughts of Vivian Campbell, who sits down to tell us not only about the new album, but his health problems, his past work with Dio and Whitesnake and how he got the Leppard gig. It's one of the most honest and revealing pieces we're ever had, and is part of a truly awesome five page feature on the Sheffield legends.
While that interview is worth the cover price alone, we don't stop there. W.A.S.P are back with a real cracker of a new album, so we chat in depth with Blackie Lawless, while power trio The Winery Dogs are with us to talk up their excellent second album. Michael Monroe speaks about his latest record, and Queensryche fans old and new will find something of interest as the band discuss 'Condition Human', while their former singer Geoff Tate is also in our pages promoting his new band Operation Mindcrime.
All that, plus Whitesnake guitarist Joel Hoekstra, Trivium, Mark Slaughter, Yes bassist Billy Sherwood, Status Quo's John 'Rhino' Edwards, Leaves' Eyes, Martin Barre, Shinedown, Chris Norman, Radio Sun, Royal Mess... we had so much to cover, we expanded the magazine to 100 pages. And then we added some bonus interviews to the FREE COVER CD. Don't be thinking there's just interviews on there though, those are included alongside the SEVENTY EIGHT FREE SONGS!
100 pages & 78 FREE SONGS!
So with extra pages, extra interviews, free CD, you'll be wondering how much we've upped our price? The answer is WE HAVEN'T... same price as last issue. There is literally no reason not to buy a copy, so go and get one while they're hot. We won't be doing this every issue!