Totally Driven Radio, the weekly radio podcast heard live every Thursday night from 8 - 11 pm Est time on the Totally Driven Entertainment Radio Network, hosted by Bay Ragni and Nick Wilkinson covers the world of sports and entertainment each week, as well as bringing you celebrity guests interviews.
Totally Driven Radio spoke with Legendary Guitarist George Lynch to discuss a ton of topics like:
**Randy Rhoads and how he got the consolation prize and took over Randy’s Students
**He was also up to replace Brad Gillis in Ozzy’s band as well
**He talked about leaving Dokken, and he ended up joining Ratt, because Warren took his spot in Dokken
**The Sweet / Lynch project
**That he has been getting too much flack for doing too much lately
**The Shadow Nation documentary
**The Infidels
**He is finishing up a new Lynch Mob record for Frontiers
**If it is frustrating to not be able to play out live with all the different projects
**How did him & Michael Sweet hook up to do the project together
**Talked about Michael Sweet singing for Tooth & Nail, which half of record is recorded musically
**What if Don Dokken called him to ask George to work on a song or two, what is George’s answer
**Anyone he wants to work with, he hasn’t had chance
**If he does anymore body building