Tango Down is back, and Bulletproof! Getting ready for a new chapter and new material = new album. The new road tested lineup features great Chas West (Bonham, Lnch Mob)(vocals), Scott Miller (guitars), Axel Gessner (bass) and Keith Michaels (drums).
Some of new material was premiered at Rock N Skull this past October, all to rave reviews from all in attendance. Thank You Pekin Illinois, you humbled us all.
After long months of pre-production and getting the songs just right, the Rock N Skull appearance was the final "test" of the new material. With the positive feedback, one thing was left to do -enter the studio.
We couldn't be happier with the end results of everyone's hard work. The band is in final stages of recording, then the mixing process will begin soon after. Mixing will be in the capable hands and ears of Ty Sims (Bombay Black and House of Lords "Indestructible".)
We are looking at a early April release, and we promise that this WILL be the best TANGO DOWN release to date
New Kivel Records website is currently under construction. So, for Pre-orders of this album, please send to PayPal via: RockHausemusic@hotmail.com
USA Customers Paypal: $16.50 (Shipping included)
International Customers Paypal: $21.00 (Shipping included)
ALL pre Orders get a signed 11x14 color print.