This is an extraordinary debut. Well vocal debut at least. Guitarist and YouTube star Martin Miller released a solo instrumental album a decade ago and has been working on this album in between posting his guitar tuition videos and inspired covers.
At 5 tracks, its more an EP, but at 39 minutes in length, it runs longer than many albums I have.
I was tipped off to this by Now & Then’s Mark Ashton, who dubbed the lead song ‘Something New’ as the love child of Dream Theater and Toto. And that’s exactly what it is. Clocking at over 8 minutes, the song has the moody percussion and keyboard feel of Toto’s Seventh One meets Falling In Between and the progressive chops and time changes Dream Theater built their career on.
A moody shorter second track reinforces the belief that this guy is a real talent. Tracks 3 and 4 leave the Toto influences behind somewhat and dive full on into Dream Theater territory.
The closing track runs over 10 minutes and brings back some of that Toto feel, while totally rocking out and switching tempo several times.
Imagine Toto’s Falling In Between with Joseph Williams singing or Dream Theater with more melodies. The Images And Words classic ‘Another Day’ keeps popping into my mind.
It’s really quite something. The CD is a very limited edition of 300 units, so grab now at: