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Loverboy - Mike Reno (2001)

mm   This interview was conducted before the untimely death of Loverboy bassist Scott Smith. It's an interveiw that unfortunately didn't get aired at the time, but is still highly relevent today. Hope you enjoy it. I hope to follow up the interview with some new comments from Mike shortly.... Thank you for calling Mike... My pleasure. That's great. I must confess, I'm a longtime fan - since about '85 I guess. Yeah. Great. How are things? Things are great. Busy, working hard. Lots of concerts, you know, traveling around. Loverboy have been on the road haven't they? Yeah. Who have you been touring with? Just yourselves? Yeah. OK. What do you see the recording status of Loverboy right now? Is there anything planned? We just finished a live album. (Live, Loud & Loose - OUT NOW!) Oh you've done that, great. We just mixed it; it'll be out soon. Sony Records is handling it. Oh, great! We will be touring to go along with it, as usual, but we thought we'd try something that's interesting. We're going to play live just like the CD is recorded, so we're going to come bang right out of the box just like ...

London Calling (2004)

London Calling: Jamie Rowe's a lucky man. London Calling frontman and the voice behind Gardian and Adriangale talks about his new nu-album and life around him. G'Day Jamie, Hope this finds you well. The album is out now in Europe and was for some time available as an alternative package off your website. How have the responses been to this album? Happy? The response has been great! We have established a great core audience of powere pop fanatics around the globe. Since I am not in Europe, I can't really guess how the album is connecting. It's too early to tell. Also, I am pleasantly surprised to see people in the melodic rock circles enjoying it. I honestly wasn't sure they would be open to the London Calling sound but I was wrong! You are an established vocalist, well known for your work with Guardian and Adriangale among others, how hard is it to launch a new name, a new band and a new direction - a new start as it would be, which London Calling clearly is for you? It's very difficult to launch a new band right now. Obviously the recording industry is having it's well publicized troubles ...

Last Autumn's Dream (2004)

Last Autmun's Dream: A dream come true.   Mikael Erlandsson and Andy Malecek talk about the new "supergroup" project that seesm the guys team with the trio of Ian Haugland, Mic Michaeli and John Levén from Europe. Both guys were asked a set of questions - some involving the LAD project were the same, some different, so the interviews are posted one below each other.       Mikael Erlandsson: So Mikael, it has been a busy year for you. Your solo album and now Last Autumn's Dream. I am impressed with the album - how did the idea to form this band get started? It started as an idea during performing my solo-songs live.. all songs we played were more like , " hard´n´heavier " in the same time my record - company in japan had the same idea to put a "band-feeling" into my songs, so , my management and the company and i put this dreamband together...... And where did the name come from? The name came up as an idea from the brilliant company in Japan (the name was too good to reject) ha ha... How long did it take to get the line-up together? I must ...

Last Tribe (2003)

Last Tribe: 3rd album = 3rd must have metal release. Guitarist and songwriter Magnus Karlsson talks about Sweden's Last Tribe - a very intelligent progressive melodic metal band. Congratulations on the success so far of the band. You are up to your third album already! When was the band formed and where are you all from? Thanks! It started as a solo project 2001. I had actually plans on doing an instrumental guitar album. It didn't turn out that way and I was busy to write songs for Midnight Sun. But then I heard a demo with Rickard and I just thought that he had an awesome voice that would suit perfectly to the music I wanted to create. We all live in South Sweden but in different towns so it's not the easiest thing when we want to rehearse. How long have you known some of the guys from the band? I have known Jaime a long time, we played together in Midnight Sun but the other guys I've only known since 2001. For those that may be discovering you for the first time - how would you describe the band and your style? I think that “melodic metal with progressive elements” ...

Lost Weekend (2002)

A 20 Questions Interview with Lost Weekend vocalist Paul Uttley. For those that don't know, tell us all about the band, and the line up? We are one of the UK's leading AOR hard rock bands. The line-up is: Paul Uttley - lead vocalist; David Thompson - lead guitar; Robin Patchett - bass guitar; Jack Himsworth - drums; Irvin Parratt - keyboards. How long have you been together now? The band has been together, except for our new keyboard player for eight years. What is the best description for the musical style of Lost Weekend? Catchy heavy riffs with strong melodic vocal lines. Who did the artwork for the killer CD cover? The artwork was created by Sebastian Kozak, he has done all our album covers, plus created our logo. We never interfere, just leave Seb to it and he always comes up with fantastic ideas. We are always over the moon with what he comes up with for the band. First album ever bought? Rainbow "Live On Stage" Biggest musical influence over career? Dio is still one of the finest singers ever to grace the rock arena, Coverdale, Paul Rodgers. The list is endless, there are stacks of great singers ...

21 Guns (2002)

So Lief, it's great to hook up with you, how are things? "All is well here in Oslo. I have just built a new studio that is totally happening. So I have all of my "Toys" in place" 21 Guns became a much loved band after the debut album was released. But I feel that the sales and promotion of the album weren't what they could have been - the album was so strong, it seemed criminal it did not sell 5 million units! "I couldn't agree with you more! The record business is a funny and fragile thing. There are too many people in high places who are insecure and have a habit of hiding their heads up their asses!" How many did it sell worldwide? "Good question!!! I still don't know myself. What I do know is that the albums we did sell were sold to the right people. I meet people all the time that say the album never left their CD player... That makes me warm inside" What went wrong in the promotion of it, or was it a victim of the grunge revolution? "I think a lot of bands were effected by the "Grunge scene" It was ...

Harlan Cage - Larry Greene (1998)

Thanks for your time Larry. Thanks for your interest and support. I enjoyed touring around your web site last week. It's nice to see people responding to the kind of music we like. The new record Double Medication Tuesday is a proper band project. You must be happy with the result? We're very pleased with the way the album turned out. There are always things you wishes you could have done differently, but that's usually the case. We felt the best way to paint the songs with a live feel, was to use a full band. It's also a hell of a lot more fun The whole album seems like a step up - better songs, better production, better singing even! Well thanks. We're glad you like it. The first album was more of a collection of songs, as opposed to a wire to wire project like this one. I think there's more continuity this time around. Is this the way you intend Harlan cage to remain, with this line up? This is a great band to work with. Both drummer Michael Lawrence and bassist Jamie Carter had been working together for several years in a band called Sun 60. They're ...